Mr Fothergill’s – Lavender Munstead Strain Seeds
“Lavendula angustifolia”
Perfect for edging hedging
Reliable, popular variety with scented leaves and flowers. Grow by path edges to release the scent, loved by bees.
A Best Buy variety as recommended by the Gardening Press and Consumer Groups.
Unbeatable as a low growing hedge, the flowers may be used to scent drawers of linen or in potpourri.
Height: 60cm(24in)
Plant Class: Hardy Shrub (HS).
Habit: Bushy, Medium.
Packet Contents: Avg. 150 Seeds
Sow Grow
Sow indoors, February-June, 0.5cm (0.25″) deep, in a tray of compost. Water well and place in a cold frame, unheated greenhouse, or on a warm kitchen windowsill. Keep moist. Seedlings usually appear in 21-50 days. Pot on individually, when large enough to handle, to 7.5cm (3″) pots. Always hold by a leaf, never by the stem. Gradually accustom young plants to outside conditions (avoid frosts), before planting out, into well-drained soil, September-October, 30cm (12″) apart. Flowers: July-September, the following year.
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